Adventure Platform

Adventure Platform is a fun game that focuses on timing and navigation. Complete the level by grabbing the key from the hidden chest that leads to the exit.

When you start, look for a door on the left side of the screen to appear nearby. An open door will act as your exit signal after you explore the level to find the key. You can navigate the levels using strategically placed walls and platforms. Exploring has quite a few challenges, such as avoiding spikes and pits, which will end your run immediately.

Fun tips for winning

To unlock certain areas in Adventure Platform, you will need to press buttons, move boxes around, and use levers that activate when touched. There is no need to rush as there is no ticking clock or any other external pressure. Keep an eye out for when the traps will explode and familiarize yourself with your impact zone to avoid unnecessary deaths.

How To Play

  • W/Up Arrow - Jump
  • A/Right Arrow - Move Left
  • D/Right Arrow - Move Right

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